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Beiträge: 225
Verfasst am: 02.04.2007, 16:36 Titel: |
What a friend we have in Jesus
He`s a saviour from afar
What a friend we have in Jesus
And his name is Cantona....
Ooh Aah Cantona,
Ooh Aah Cantona
Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah
Ooh Aah Cantona
you are my solskjaer, my only solskjaer
you make me happy, when skies are grey
oh alan shearer, is fucking dearer
so please don't take my solskjaer away
Mourinho are you listening,
You'd better keep our trophy glistening;
'Coz we'll be back in May, to take it away,
walking in a Fergie Wonderland! _________________


Beiträge: 484
Verfasst am: 02.04.2007, 16:50 Titel: |
We'll drink a drink a drink,
to Eric the king, the kng, the king
he's the saviour of our football team.
He's the greatest center forward
that the world has ever seen!
Oh Keano's fucking magic, he wears a magic hat
and when he saw Old Trafford, he said I fancy that.
He dind't sign for Arsenal or Blackburn 'cause they're shite,
he signed for Man United 'cause we're fucking dynamite!
Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, running down the wing,
Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, running down the wing -
Feared by the Blues, loved by the Reds
Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs...
I saw my mate the other day,
He said that he'd seen the white pele,
So I asked, "Who is he?"
He goes by the name of Wayne Rooney.
Come to see Ronaldo,
You've only come to see Ronaldo,
Come to see Ronaldo,
You've only come to see Ronaldo...
Und iaz is Highlight fa di Rooney Songs:
30 million, f*ckin' by'eck,
We've signed a Scouser,
who looks like Shrek  _________________


Beiträge: 155

Beiträge: 225
Verfasst am: 13.04.2007, 10:44 Titel: |
awin epas noias:
He can pass ,tackle,head.
Michael Carrick is a Red.
Gerrard, Lampard, Fabregas...
You're not fit to wipe his ass _________________


Beiträge: 484
Verfasst am: 13.04.2007, 13:51 Titel: |
Iaz tuts no long et.
Morgn spielmo amo is Cup-Holbfinale noar geats noch Wembley:
She wore, she wore,
She wore a scarlet ribbon,
She wore a scarlet ribbon in the merry month of May
And when, I asked
Oh why she wore that ribbon,
She said it's for United and they're going to Wem-ber-ley,
Wem-ber-ley, Wem-ber-ley,
We're the famous Man United
And we're going to Wem-ber-ley! _________________


Beiträge: 225
Verfasst am: 19.04.2007, 15:50 Titel: |
he plays on the leeeeft
he plays on the riii-ii-iight
that boy ronaldo
makes england look shite
u is video fan fa cup holbfinale dozui, gewaltig!!!! _________________

Zuletzt bearbeitet von 260599 am 19.04.2007, 16:05, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet

Beiträge: 484
Verfasst am: 19.04.2007, 15:57 Titel: |
You've come to see Ronaldo
you've only come to see Ronaldo! ...  _________________


Beiträge: 484
Verfasst am: 20.04.2007, 14:32 Titel: |
Terf i frogn wisou zwischn de gonzn komischn Liado ibo a so an Außnseitaclub a 2 ManU-Songs do dobei sein. A Vosehen? Ondoscht konn i mir is "boring, boring Arsenal" et doklärn. Obwohls natürlich vollkommen richtig isch.
Und is originale Wenger-Liad geat folgendermassen:
One Arsene Wenger!
There'S only one Arsene Wenger!
With a packet of sweets, and a cheeky smile
Wenger is a f*cking paedophile!
Vieeeeira oh oh
Vieeeeira oh oh oh oh
He gave Giggsy the ball
and Arsenal won f*uck all!  _________________

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